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Classification of PVC pipes

PVC pipes are divided into PVC water supply pipes and drainage pipes, which are used for municipal water supply and drainage, industrial water supply and drainage, civil water supply and drainage, irrigation, vegetation watering, etc. There are three main connection methods for PVC pipes: sealing rubber ring, bonding and flange connection. Pipes with a diameter greater than or equal to 100 mm generally use rubber ring joints; pipes with a diameter less than 100 mm generally use bonded joints, and some use live joints. When the pipeline crosses the sewer or other pipelines, metal pipes are generally used. At this time, the plastic pipe and the metal pipe are connected by flanges.

The connection between the front and rear of the valve and the pipeline is also flanged.

1 When solvent bonding is used for small-diameter pipes, the socket must be rounded to form a bevel, and the fracture must be flat and perpendicular to the axis, so that the bonding can be firm and water leakage can be avoided.

2 Generally, PVC pipes with a pipe diameter greater than or equal to 100 mm use rubber ring joints. Before installation, personnel must be arranged to chamfer the socket of the pipe, and check whether the quality of the rubber ring is qualified. The socket, rubber ring, etc. must be wiped clean during installation.

3 The trench excavation for traditional pipeline installation only requires that the pipeline can be put into the trench and sealed. If the original soil layer is not loosened, it is not necessary to pressurize and tamp the cushion.

4 Generally, branch pipes of PVC pipes can be opened by tees or vertical water stoppers. During construction, a saddle-shaped fitting and half a two-in-one tee can be added, and clamped with U-shaped bolts, so that the pipe wall is thickened, and then directly drill holes on the top, and then connect it with external threaded plastic parts. The test shows that the pressure test and acceptance after construction with this method can fully meet the requirements of the specification. In addition, thrust piers should be installed at the positions where the water flow in the pipe generates thrust, such as elbows, tees, and pipe end sealing plates, to withstand the thrust of the water flow.

5. As a new type of non-metallic pipe, PVC pipe cannot detect its specific location with the existing metal pipe detection equipment. However, if the pipe is buried, a wire can be buried on the pipe to solve this problem conveniently.






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