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Conventional temperature of PE pipe in building water supply field

The field of building water supply, especially home decoration, requires the use of hot water pipes. The heat-resistant temperature of conventional PE pipes is 60°C, and the conventional temperature of household water supply will be around 50°C. It will run at this temperature for a long time. The PE pipe should be laid below the freezing line. In residential quarters, industrial parks and industrial and mining enterprises, the main water distribution pipes with a nominal outer diameter of 200mm or less can be arranged along the perimeter of the building, and the clear distance from the outer wall should not be less than 1.00m.

The melt viscosity of the PE pipe is high and the fluidity is poor. In order to prevent the screw from heating up due to excessive frictional heat, causing the screw sticky material to decompose or making the inner wall of the pipe rough, the screw temperature must be lowered. The screw cooling of this product should control the outlet water temperature not lower than 70~80℃. The flexibility of PE pipe makes it easy to bend, and in engineering, obstacles can be bypassed by changing the direction of the pipe. In many cases, the flexibility of the pipe can reduce the amount of pipe fittings and reduce installation costs.

There are two important links in the construction of PE pipes: welding and backfilling. Maintenance records in recent years have shown that there have been problems such as weld breakage and water leakage. Strengthen the construction management through the construction department to improve the quality of backfilling. Adequate preparations before the construction of PE pipes will improve the execution efficiency of use, and can also avoid different obstacles in the construction process, so that the construction of PE pipes can be completed according to the process.

PE pipes are brittle at low temperatures below 5°C, so be careful during construction in winter, and use sharp knives to cut slowly when cutting pipes. The installed pipes should not be heavily pressed or knocked, and if necessary, cover the parts that are vulnerable to external forces with protective materials.

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