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How is the mpp power pipe connected?

MPP power pipes are widely used in our lives. In order to make them function better, the pipe fittings must be bonded correctly. Let's take a look together:

1. Before bonding mpp power pipes and pipe fittings, the socket side and the outside of the socket should be wiped with a dry cloth. When there is oil on the surface, it must be wiped clean with acetone.

2. The section of the pipe should be flat, perpendicular to the axis of the pipe, and be chamfered; before bonding, the insertion marking line should be drawn and a trial insertion should be carried out. The trial insertion depth can only be inserted to 1/3 to 1/2 of the original depth. When the gap is too large, it is strictly forbidden to use the bonding method.

3. When applying adhesive, apply the inner side of the socket first, and then the outer side of the socket. When applying the adhesive, apply an appropriate amount evenly from the inside to the outside along the axial direction, and do not miss or apply too much (200g/m2).

4. After the adhesive is applied, it is advisable to keep the applied external force unchanged within 1 minute, and keep the straightness and position of the mpp power pipe interface correct.

5. After the bonding is completed, wipe off the extruded excess adhesive in time, and do not apply force or force loading during the curing time.

It should be noted that the adhesive joints of mpp power pipes must not be constructed in rain or water, and must not be operated below 5°C. I hope the above content can be helpful to everyone.






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