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Description of mechanical properties of PE gas pipe

After many years of development, the gas pipe industry has gradually begun to construct PE gas pipes. At present, I have high requirements for PE gas pipe manufacturers, and they need to pass the special equipment pressure pipe production license issued by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine. materials can be produced.

In the PE pipe industry, the function of the raw material is the primary guarantee for the function of the product. The temporary strength of the raw material is high, which can ensure that the gas pipeline can withstand a sufficiently high pressure during a sufficiently long service life. The material has good resistance to high-speed cracking and expansion, which can ensure that the gas pipeline will not inevitably cause disasters. This is very important for the gas industry with high safety requirements. The risk of rapid cracking and expansion increases with the increase of the outer diameter of the pipe, and its ability to make the material resistant to rapid cracking becomes an important mechanical property for the development of large-diameter HDPE gas pipes.

Almost all raw materials used in PE gas pipes in PE pipes are imported materials, and the main grades are PE100 and PE80. Domestically, there is no large-scale production of PE gas pipe HDPE gas pipe materials. The strength and hardness of ordinary high-density polyethylene are higher than those of gas pipe materials. However, for pipes, aging will occur as time goes by, and their mechanical and physical properties will deteriorate. The pipe will change from initial ductile damage decay to brittle damage after aging. Regarding the decay and aging process, the special material for gas pipes is much slower than ordinary HDPE. Therefore, HDPE is currently mainly used as a special material for gas pipes.

In the relevant international standards ISO04437-1997 and GB15558.1, the materials used for gas pipes lower than HDPE have strict performance indicators to ensure a service life of 50 years under normal conditions.






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