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Development prospect of large diameter (large diameter) pressure pipe

The application of plastic pipes at home and abroad starts from a smaller diameter and gradually develops to a larger diameter. (There is no definition for the large diameter. The large diameter mentioned in this article refers to the diameter above 800mm.) It is worth noting that in recent years, there has been a general trend of developing large-diameter plastic pipes in the world. The root of this development is environmental protection. As we all know, the world is currently facing a battle against climate change, and all countries must shoulder the responsibility of reducing carbon emissions. There is no doubt in the pipeline industry that more attention must be paid to the issue of environmental impact.

In the past, function and economy were generally considered when selecting pipe materials. The reasons for popularizing plastic pipes were usually because plastic pipes are hygienic, anti-corrosion, anti-leakage, convenient to manufacture and lay...etc. These advantages of plastic pipes in the small and medium diameter range are more prominent, and the economy is better, so the application is becoming more and more extensive. However, the use of plastic pipes in the large diameter range is often hindered and it is difficult to compete economically with traditional pipes. In recent years, under the new concept of paying more and more attention to environmental benefits, the energy consumed by pipelines in manufacturing, transportation, laying, and operation (corresponding carbon emissions) and other impacts on the environment have become important selection criteria. Research proves that plastic pipes are "environmentally friendly" green building materials, which can significantly reduce carbon emissions compared with traditional pipes, or comply with the "energy saving and emission reduction" policy according to the domestic statement






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