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What should be prepared before construction of PE pipe fittings?

PE pipe fittings are widely used in the construction industry because of the good advantages of PE pipe fittings. However, before using PE pipe fittings, adequate preparations should be made to avoid any problems in the later stage.

Before installing PE pipe fittings, trenches need to be dug, and the excavated soil must have a reasonable stacking place, and the trenches should not be too close, with a distance of more than two meters. The excavated earth should be transported outside in time so as not to affect future work. During the construction of PE pipes and fittings, mechanical operation must be used. It is sufficient to use machinery to dig to the height of the designed trench bottom 20 cm above, and the rest can be excavated by workers.

In order to ensure the safety of the construction, the construction period and the quality of the construction, it is necessary to fully understand and investigate the soil quality and groundwater level of the construction site before construction, so as to ensure that there will be no accidents during construction.






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