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  • 23-02-22
    When constructing MPP power pipes, the first thing to do is to carry out pre-embedding work, that is, to bury the pipes in the ground, or to build them in the wall, which can better protect the cables and wires, and in any It can be constructed in any environment, and of course it will be better to use it in a place with a better surrounding environment. However, during the construction process, p
  • 23-02-21
    After many years of development, the gas pipe industry has gradually begun to construct PE gas pipes. At present, I have high requirements for PE gas pipe manufacturers, and they need to pass the special equipment pressure pipe production license issued by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine. materials can be produced.
  • 23-02-21
    1PE material properties and advantages and disadvantages ① performance a. Polyethylene is a polymer with high crystallinity, which can be divided into three states with the change of temperature: crystalline state (hard solid), high elastic state (rubber-like elastomer), viscous flow state (viscous fluid). b. Standard Size Ratio (SDR): Refers to the ratio of the nominal outer diameter to the no
  • 23-02-21
    It involves polymer chemistry, polymer physics, interface theory, plastic machinery, plastic processing molds
  • 23-02-21
    PE threading pipes are generally used in normal indoor environments, or in places with high temperature, dust, vibration and fire hazard. Of course, PE threading pipes can also be used in wet places. However, it is worth noting that PE threading pipes cannot be used in particularly humid places, and places with corrosive substances such as acids, alkalis, and salts, and places with explosion hazar
  • 23-02-21
    1. Long service life: Under normal conditions, the service life is at least 50 years. 2. Good sanitation: PE pipe does not contain heavy metal additives, does not scale, does not breed bacteria, and solves the problem of secondary pollution of drinking water. It complies with the GB/T17219 safety evaluation standard and the relevant sanitation safety evaluation regulations of the Ministry of Heal
  • 23-01-12
    Flattening test of Impact Modified DWV PVC Pipes
  • 23-01-12
    Raw material used in our factory






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