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Introduction of PE threading pipe

Application field of PE threading pipe

PE threading pipes are generally used in normal indoor environments, or in places with high temperature, dust, vibration and fire hazard. Of course, PE threading pipes can also be used in wet places. However, it is worth noting that PE threading pipes cannot be used in particularly humid places, and places with corrosive substances such as acids, alkalis, and salts, and places with explosion hazards, because using them in these places will make the threading pipes can be used safely. Also, it can damage the conduit. Connection method of PE threading pipe: There are also many connection methods for PE threading pipe. The classic and widely used installation method is the traditional installation connection method. This connection method can make the epoxy plastic coating layer of the threading pipe more effective to solve the corrosion of metal pipes caused by water transportation, burial, acid, alkali and salt, and the service life will be prolonged. Generally, this installation method is used , Its service life can reach more than 50 years, so now everyone will still choose the traditional installation method.






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