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What factors affect the quality of mpp!

The mpp power pipe mainly uses modified polypropylene as the main raw material, which has the advantages of high temperature resistance and external pressure resistance. It is widely used in municipal engineering, tap water, heat pipes, power pipe engineering, etc. In order to be able to use better , let's take a look at the factors that affect the quality of the pipeline, and pay more attention to it in normal use:

First of all, in the processing process, many factors are crucial to the quality of the pipe. For example: raw material selection, temperature, screw speed, compressed air, traction speed, traction cooling, etc. will all affect the MPP power tube.

1. The influence of screw speed on pipe quality: The selection of screw speed directly affects the output and quality. The screw speed depends not only on the size of the extruder, but also on the size of the upper pipe diameter. As the speed increases, the amount of extrusion increases, and the shear force on the material is large, which is conducive to the plasticization of the material, but the residence time of the material in the screw is short, and the excessive friction heat makes the inner wall of the tube rougher and the strength of the tube decreases. Therefore, the control of screw speed should be weighed according to the requirements of output, product appearance and physical and mechanical properties.

2. The influence of temperature on the quality of MPP power pipes: temperature is the main factor affecting the plasticization and production of plastic pipes. If the temperature is too low, the plasticization is not good, and if the temperature is too high, the materials are easy to separate. The temperature control should be determined according to the original formula, extruder and head structure, screw speed and other factors. When processing hard PVC pipes, since the processing temperature is quite close to the separation temperature, the material temperature at each point should be strictly controlled during production. At the same time, pay attention to the error of the temperature measuring instrument and the position of the measuring point.

3. The impact of compressed air on the quality of the pipe: compressed air makes the pipe shape and maintains a certain roundness. The pressure is generally 0.02~0.05mpa

4. The influence of traction speed factor on the quality of MPP electric tube: the traction speed directly affects the wall thickness of the product. The pulling speed should match the extrusion speed, usually the pulling speed is 1% to 10% higher than the pipe extrusion speed.

5. The selection of raw materials is a basic factor and a factor: PE raw materials have a wide variety of specifications and grades, and there are countless types. The same grade of raw materials can produce PE bellows but cannot produce PE water supply pipes. Here it is still necessary for the manufacturers to do a lot of experiments and choose materials suitable for their own production of pipes.

6. The influence of traction on the quality of pipes: I believe everyone understands this point. If the cooling is not enough, the extruded material will stick and cannot be shaped. It adopts air cooling combined with water cooling, and the cooling water temperature should be kept at about 15°.

The above briefly introduces the factors that affect the quality of mpp power tubes. You should pay attention to these points in daily use. In order to play a better role, you should also choose reputable merchants when purchasing. Product quality and post-service are also guaranteed. I hope it will be of some help to everyone.

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